Lately, I've been working on another website, quite a bit. Trying to get some google money from advertising, etc. But primarily, I have been trying to develop content for a Linux site focused on supporting small business.
For several years, I have been a strong proponent of Linux. The Open Source 'movement' has come a very long way in recent years. As applications such as Samba continue to progress, every day Linux is narrowing the Microsoft dominance in the IT industry.
In the IT industry there are five primary arenas. The most profitable arena is the 'Enterprise'. Followed by Government (or Public), Client, then SMB and finally Consumer.
The Consumer Market is home PC like what is available in most 'BigBox Stores' such as WalMart and BestBuy.
Enterprise is the large company with many computers, massive server farms, and the like. WalMart, Ford Motor Co, JPL, NYT, and similar companies would be considered Enterprise customers.
The Government or Public channel includes such as NASA, the federal, state and local governments, schools and so on.
Client is more like a joint sub-division of both Enterprise and Government. Client is usually alrge. high number sales orders for machines with all the same specs.
And finally, we come to SMB (Small/Medium Business). SMB is usually defined as 100 or fewer PCs. Microsoft has a product out call Small Business Server which has a set of restrictions limiting the system to support no more the 75 users.
The Linux environment is in use in all these markets. Many very large organizations may not even be aware they are using Linux systems outside of the IT department. Few people are using Linux as their primary home desktop primarily because of learning curves. Linux is not difficult ot learn, it is just ... different.
However, one issue I have seen that is holding Linux 'back' in the SMB space is the lack of support and easy integration of all these various tools. So, my website,, is focused on bringing that information together. It is also a site for those persons who have an interest if supporting Linux in teh SMB space to share ideas and hopefully insight.
If you have an interest in Linux, or are in business, take a look at my site.
P. Blacksmith

For several years, I have been a strong proponent of Linux. The Open Source 'movement' has come a very long way in recent years. As applications such as Samba continue to progress, every day Linux is narrowing the Microsoft dominance in the IT industry.
In the IT industry there are five primary arenas. The most profitable arena is the 'Enterprise'. Followed by Government (or Public), Client, then SMB and finally Consumer.
The Consumer Market is home PC like what is available in most 'BigBox Stores' such as WalMart and BestBuy.
Enterprise is the large company with many computers, massive server farms, and the like. WalMart, Ford Motor Co, JPL, NYT, and similar companies would be considered Enterprise customers.
The Government or Public channel includes such as NASA, the federal, state and local governments, schools and so on.
Client is more like a joint sub-division of both Enterprise and Government. Client is usually alrge. high number sales orders for machines with all the same specs.
And finally, we come to SMB (Small/Medium Business). SMB is usually defined as 100 or fewer PCs. Microsoft has a product out call Small Business Server which has a set of restrictions limiting the system to support no more the 75 users.
The Linux environment is in use in all these markets. Many very large organizations may not even be aware they are using Linux systems outside of the IT department. Few people are using Linux as their primary home desktop primarily because of learning curves. Linux is not difficult ot learn, it is just ... different.
However, one issue I have seen that is holding Linux 'back' in the SMB space is the lack of support and easy integration of all these various tools. So, my website,, is focused on bringing that information together. It is also a site for those persons who have an interest if supporting Linux in teh SMB space to share ideas and hopefully insight.
If you have an interest in Linux, or are in business, take a look at my site.
P. Blacksmith