
Helping good people

Send $25.00 to melody.byrne AT gmail.com via paypal for what is going to be one of the very best cook books ever printed ($10.00 for an e-copy).

These people, Chris and Melody of http://anarchangel.blogspot.com/ have been going through hell the last few years with an extremely expensive international custody battle. This couple has done everything to protect their kids. I've read their blog for quite a while and several others I read, read it often, as well. If you've got the dollars, in this very tight and scary economy, help someone with a bit of relief. They are not asking for handouts or charity, but are offering what they know (some damned good recipes!) in exchange for a few shells. I've ordered one and intend to order others, as pay days roll around. I think these will make some excellent X-Mas gifts.

and tell them P.Blacksmith sent ya!

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