
The greatest gifts of all

A wizened older gent I met at a flea market loved to bicker. He once told me the only reason he did the flea market booth was just so he could argue and haggle with people. Everything he had at his booth he had added $5.00 to the sticker price. Some people would just come up, pick up an item pay the listed price and leave, with barely a word spoken. Others would walk away in disgust at the price he had labeled. He believed the only beings that were worth anything were those that would haggle with him. The old man had an understanding of people. Haggle too much or too long and the value of an item is not good as it over rates the item. Haggle too little and he under-rated the value of an item. But the whole process was about identifying a common value for an item. Many was the person that argued for several minutes, investing their TIME and their THOUGHT into the purchase. Both time and thought are more important than any trinket he had on his table. And that is what he valued most of haggling, the time people shared with him. This is what made the exchange equitable to him. Another person's time and their thought.

After you finish reading about the education of Colonel Crockett please be sure to spend some of your two most precious commodities for good cause. Write a politician a letter, tell them what you think on a piece of legislation, be sure is it hand written and clearly signed for the most attention. Your thoughts and opinions are important.

Then hold the hand of a friend or a loved one, look them in the eye and share a moment with them. For time is something we all have an unknown and finite amount of. Give that person your time.

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